Jenny Camp

Spine Tube Layering

Porcelain, digital collage

"This little ceramic organ creature has gone on a transformative journey. Here it is shown at the pinnacle of its journey, where it is truly beginning to understand the importance and terrible power of what it has just encountered. Who it has just encountered. After, it shall return to its life forever changed, every molecule altered by this experience."


My practice is sculptural, but strays into writing, drawing, and digital media. I have a BA in design and work as a fabricator alongside my studio practice. I use my skill and familiarity with materials within my work, but in a way that contrasts heavily to the end-product focus of fabrication.

My practice is about letting the material lead the way, using and often inventing processes that allow me to relinquish control to the material, acting as a conduit for what it wants to become. I have faith that the material knows what it’s doing.

The objects I create are my children, inadvertently inheriting traits from me, beings with personalities and inner lives - I worry they get bored. In my solo show, Art By The KG, I set up a sculpture butcher shop where I cut up, weighed, priced, and sold a large coiled paper mache sculpture that I made previously but could no longer practically store. I am not always the best parent.

I use my practice to process the nature of being human and an artist in a digitally and economically focused world that doesn’t seem to see people, empathy, or compassion as a priority.

MRU (Nude)

Glazed ceramic stoneware, digital collage

"The artist has made a decision to depict the personification of the MRU as nude, but what would it mean for the MRU to be nude? Is it obscene? Natural? Exploitative? Does it even make sense? Perhaps it says more about the artist than the subject. Would a robe provide some kind of barrier to protect us from a source of power too great and powerful to be exposed in such a casually nonchalant manner? What kind of robe would be up to such a monumental task? Was removing this robe an attempt to undermine the MRU’s power and significance? Or were they alluding to the fact that when something is hidden, the possibilities are limited to what our human minds can think of… But once revealed the reality is so terrible, so expansive and frighteningly infinite, that it is entirely beyond comprehension."